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Foods To Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

Foods To Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

Foods To Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

There is no magic cure for cancer. You have to go through a proper medication and chemotherapy to beat your enemy. In case of breast cancer, if it is diagnosed at an early stage, cancer can still be cured.

What is the impact of foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence? Apparently, there seems to be no visible cure for cancer by eating appropriate foods. But, maintaining a healthy diet overall can prevent the risk of recurrence.

Recent medical studies have shown that ameal rich in fruits and vegetables can help to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer, even for the first time too. The patients of breast cancer are suggested to have lesser carbohydrates in their diet and more fibre.

A research has shown that overweight women, who eat lots of veggies, herbs and fruits and exercise for about 30 minutes every day, are less prone to breast cancer than those who have a normal weight, yet have carbs and red meat in their diet. What are the best foodsto prevent breast cancer recurrence?

Seafoods, several spices, foods with omega-3 fatty acids, lean meats, etc., are the best foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence. Not only do such foods prevent repeated attack of the disease, they also avert it for the first time. Read on to know more about the foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence.

1. Turmeric

The benefits of this spice for health are endless. Recent studies have shown that turmeric has a component, named curcumin, which helps in fighting against the tumour. The anti-inflammatory objects in turmeric can thwart any kind of burning sensation in your body.

2. Garlic

Not only preventing vampires, but garlic also plays an important role to avoid breast cancer and its recurrence. The allyl sulfide in garlic decreases the movement of free radicals and thus, hampers the growth of cancerous cells.

3. Broccoli

Among the best foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence, this vegetable has gained the utmost popularity. Medical studies have proved that broccoli has the components that stop the growth of tumours. So, keep it or any other cruciferous vegetables like cabbages, cauliflowers, kale, etc., in your regular diet.

4. Pomegranates

Which fruits should be considered among the foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence? This yummy fruit must be included in your regular diet, as it has certain cancer-fighting components, especially the cancers that are estrogen-dependent.

5. Apples

You can only derive the benefits of apples to prevent breast cancer, if you have it with the peel. Apple peel is full of fibres, antioxidants and other nutritional values. It fights against the expansion of cancerous cells and you can be almost free from the fear of recurrent attack of breast cancer.

6. Walnuts

The list of foods to prevent breast cancer recurrence must include this one. As walnuts play an important role in blocking the growth of breast cancer tumours, you should include it in your regular diet. The omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients in this nut makes it possible.

7. Flaxseed

While you think of the best breast cancerĂ¢€‘management diet, include this as a vital element. Researches have shown that flaxseeds have a component, lignans, which effectively blocks the growth of cancerous tumour. Use it as spice in your food.

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