Factors That Affect YourFertility
Women's fertility can decrease with growing age but there are some other factors that have great impact on fertility. Nowadays, couples face many problem to conceive a baby as there are many issues like growing stress, faulty lifestyle and other health problems.
Women have shorter span of fertility as they go through a period of menopause starting from the age of 40 or 45. Menopause means that there is no menstruation and no ovulation due to decreased levelof hormones.
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There are negligible changes of conception when a women enters her menopause. So women must try to conceive in early 30's to prevent pregnancy complications asa when she crosses the age of 35 ovulation decreases and other health issues may occur.
However, most women who want to get pregnant don't know some best things to do that will increase their chance of conception.
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Here are some of the factors that can drastically affect a woman's fertility.
If a woman is overweight then her ovarian function gets decreased. There is also a risk of developing ovarian cysts. Polycystic ovarian diseases decrease the chance of fertility and is a major cause of hormonal imbalance and the leading cause of infertility.

Being Skinny
Being skinny also reduces the chances of conception. Women who are thin are deficient of a hormone called as leptin. Lack of this hormone causes cessation of menstruation and thus problems arise in getting pregnant.

Chemical Pollutants And Pesticides
A research has shown that chemical pollutants and pesticides decrease the ability to have children by almost 30 percent. Some chemicals known as phthalates can be found in nail polishes and perfumes. They may cause early menopause. Try & avoid using them.

Extreme Exercise
Exercise keeps you fit and fine but excessive workout decreases ovulation. A research has found that women who exercise vigorously more than five hours have problems to concieve. Your menstrual cycles become irregular and get scanty.

Thyroid Disease
When you are trying to get pregnant then you must check the level of thyroid hormones. If your thyroid gland is not functioning properly then it can lead to infertility.

Foods and drinks containing caffeine such as soft drinks, coffee, energy drinks etc cause problems in conception. Caffeine decreases the movement of egg from the ovaries into the uterus by interfering with muscle contraction. If your caffeine intake is more than 200 milligrams per day then you have to cut it down to conceive.

Stress affects hormone levels in body and therefore disturbs the normal ovulation process. It also causes delayed menstruation. Try to manage your stress if you want to get pregnant.
Source : http://www.boldsky.com/pregnancy-parenting/prenatal/2015/factors-that-affect-your-fertility-072234.html
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