HealthBenefits Of Breastfeeding For Mothers
There are many misconceptions surrounding the the act of breast feeding the baby. Some mothers don't want to breastfeed their baby as they have some unknown fear. Some say that it will make their body shapeless and others just don't have the time.
On this breast feeding day, we will enlighten the mothers with the message that breast feeding will not only benefit the babies but also the mothers.
How Breast FeedingHelps In A Child's Future
You need to breast feed your baby as it is the only source from which your baby gets immunity from various infections during the few months until the baby's immune system is completely developed. Your baby will grow up into an intelligent adult if you will breast feed him.
Apart from this ladies, don't get disappointed if you are breast feeding your baby as it has much more for you also. Breast feeding has many health benefits for the feedingmother's also.
When Should You Stop Breast Feeding?
Have a look at some health benefits of breast feeding to mothers.
Weight Loss
Breastfeeding promotes weight loss after pregnancy. There will be much reduction in hip and waist fat. Mothers return to their original body shape faster with breastfeeding.

Healthy Bones
Women have a risk of osteoporosis especially when they cross their 40's. The calcium from their bones is lost due to drop in hormonal levels during menopause. Breast feeding women, have very low risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures.

Reduces The Risk Of Breast Cancer
Breast feeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by almost 25 percent. The risk decreases with the increased duration of breast feeding the baby.

Helps In Child Spacing
Breastfeeding delays ovulation and therefore, acts as a natural contraceptive. The time during which you are nursing your baby, will be a period of infertility for you. So, if you want a gap between your children, breastfeed your baby.

Relieves Stress And Anxiety
Breastfeeding not only is good for physical health of mother but also for her emotional well being. Mothers who breastfeed their baby are relaxed and calm mentally. They rarely suffer from postpartum anxiety.

Cuts Down The Risk Of Uterine And Ovarian Cancer
When you breastfeed your baby, the estrogen levels in your body drop. This prevents the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer as estrogen has been linked with these deadly diseases.

Breastfeeding costs nothing to you but if you are formula feeding your baby, it can empty your pockets. Moreover, it won't be healthy for your baby too. So the option is your's, breastfeed and get a better body or formula-feed your baby to ruin your and your baby's health.
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